About Me

Maddie is currently living in Nashville, TN. pursuing a psychology degree with an art minor. She is an adventure and portrait photographer, and creates clothing, home goods, and enjoys hand lettering. Her inspiration is drawn from her Chicago roots and her many years spent in the north woods. The world is her canvas and you can find her traveling to refresh hope in those who have lost theirs.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Vegan Berry Parfait

I'm a regular at whole foods. I love those little random vegan treats they sell in their bakery. You cant always find them, but when you do it is quite a good day. They sell a parfait similar to this for almost $4. Thats pretty expensive to me! So, I was craving the parfait one day and decided to make my version.

This contains tofu. If you are afraid of tofu, even though you cannot taste it in this, then you can use cool whip or soy whip cream. I do not recommend this at all though. It wont have a parfait consistency.
Basically you are making fruit flavored whipped cream.

I used lots of handfuls in this. I really hate measuring. So I made a rough cup estimate.

2 Handfuls (1 cup) raw halved pecans

Roughly 15-20 pitted dates, depending on size

1/4 Cup Agave, Honey, splenda, brown sugar, or stevia. I have only tried honey and agave, so no          promised results on the rest of the sweeteners.

1/2 Tray of silken tofu. I call it a tray, but the typical packaged tofu just halved.

3/4 Cup of mixed berries, I used frozen but refrigerated will work also. Just add a little bit more.

1. Place pecans in a food processor until ground, then add the dates.
2. Set aside.
3. In a blender, place tofu, berries ( reserving some for finished product), and sweetener.
4. Now get out a cup, bowl, glass, whatever serving cup you'd like. Place 1/3 of the pecan mixture at the bottom of the cup. Pack it tightly.
5. Add the tofu mixture onto the pecans, only about 1/2 mixture.
6. repeat steps until no mixture remains. The amount of layers depends on you choice of cup size. Mine was very wide so I only got two layers.
7. Sprinkle a little pecan mixture and berries atop the finished product.
8. I recommend serving immediately, refrigeration raises the temperature of the frozen berries creating lots of excess water in the cup.

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